Active Object Detection

4 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Active Learning for Object Detection


Most implemented papers

The MECCANO Dataset: Understanding Human-Object Interactions from Egocentric Videos in an Industrial-like Domain

fpv-iplab/MECCANO 12 Oct 2020

To fill this gap, we introduce MECCANO, the first dataset of egocentric videos to study human-object interactions in industrial-like settings.

Multiple instance active learning for object detection

yuantn/MI-AOD CVPR 2021

Despite the substantial progress of active learning for image recognition, there still lacks an instance-level active learning method specified for object detection.

Sequential Voting with Relational Box Fields for Active Object Detection

fuqichen1998/SequentialVotingDet CVPR 2022

While our voting function is able to improve the bounding box of the active object, one round of voting is typically not enough to accurately localize the active object.

MUS-CDB: Mixed Uncertainty Sampling with Class Distribution Balancing for Active Annotation in Aerial Object Detection

zjw700/mus-cdb 6 Dec 2022

However, existing active learning methods are mainly with class-balanced settings and image-based querying for generic object detection tasks, which are less applicable to aerial object detection scenarios due to the long-tailed class distribution and dense small objects in aerial scenes.