In this project, we propose a new comprehensive realistic cyber security dataset of IoT and IIoT applications, called Edge-IIoTset, which can be used by machine learning-based intrusion detection systems in two different modes, namely, centralized and federated learning. Specifically, the proposed testbed is organized into seven layers, including, Cloud Computing Layer, Network Functions Virtualization Layer, Blockchain Network Layer, Fog Computing Layer, Software-Defined Networking Layer, Edge Computing Layer, and IoT and IIoT Perception Layer. In each layer, we propose new emerging technologies that satisfy the key requirements of IoT and IIoT applications, such as, ThingsBoard IoT platform, OPNFV platform, Hyperledger Sawtooth, Digital twin, ONOS SDN controller, Mosquitto MQTT brokers, Modbus TCP/IP, ...etc. The IoT data are generated from various IoT devices (more than 10 types) such as Low-cost digital sensors for sensing temperature and humidity, Ultrasonic sensor, Wate