The ADE20K semantic segmentation dataset contains more than 20K scene-centric images exhaustively annotated with pixel-level objects and object parts labels. There are totally 150 semantic categories, which include stuffs like sky, road, grass, and discrete objects like person, car, bed.
KITTI Road is road and lane estimation benchmark that consists of 289 training and 290 test images. It contains three different categories of road scenes: * uu - urban unmarked (98/100) * um - urban marked (95/96) * umm - urban multiple marked lanes (96/94) * urban - combination of the three above Ground truth has been generated by manual annotation of the images and is available for two different road terrain types: road - the road area, i.e, the composition of all lanes, and lane - the ego-lane, i.e., the lane the vehicle is currently driving on (only available for category "um"). Ground truth is provided for training images only.
RELLIS-3D is a multi-modal dataset for off-road robotics. It was collected in an off-road environment containing annotations for 13,556 LiDAR scans and 6,235 images. The data was collected on the Rellis Campus of Texas A&M University and presents challenges to existing algorithms related to class imbalance and environmental topography. The dataset also provides full-stack sensor data in ROS bag format, including RGB camera images, LiDAR point clouds, a pair of stereo images, high-precision GPS measurement, and IMU data.
UAVid is a high-resolution UAV semantic segmentation dataset as a complement, which brings new challenges, including large scale variation, moving object recognition and temporal consistency preservation. The UAV dataset consists of 30 video sequences capturing 4K high-resolution images in slanted views. In total, 300 images have been densely labeled with 8 classes for the semantic labeling task.
The Segmentation of Underwater IMagery (SUIM) dataset contains over 1500 images with pixel annotations for eight object categories: fish (vertebrates), reefs (invertebrates), aquatic plants, wrecks/ruins, human divers, robots, and sea-floor. The images have been rigorously collected during oceanic explorations and human-robot collaborative experiments, and annotated by human participants.
A novel dataset and benchmark, which features 1482 RGB-D scans of 478 environments across multiple time steps. Each scene includes several objects whose positions change over time, together with ground truth annotations of object instances and their respective 6DoF mappings among re-scans.
The SensatUrbat dataset is an urban-scale photogrammetric point cloud dataset with nearly three billion richly annotated points, which is five times the number of labeled points than the existing largest point cloud dataset. The dataset consists of large areas from two UK cities, covering about 6 km^2 of the city landscape. In the dataset, each 3D point is labeled as one of 13 semantic classes, such as ground, vegetation, car, etc..
The large-scale MUSIC-AVQA dataset of musical performance contains 45,867 question-answer pairs, distributed in 9,288 videos for over 150 hours. All QA pairs types are divided into 3 modal scenarios, which contain 9 question types and 33 question templates. Finally, as an open-ended problem of our AVQA tasks, all 42 kinds of answers constitute a set for selection.
A simulation-based dataset featuring 20,000 stack configurations composed of a variety of elementary geometric primitives richly annotated regarding semantics and structural stability.
Toronto-3D is a large-scale urban outdoor point cloud dataset acquired by an MLS system in Toronto, Canada for semantic segmentation. This dataset covers approximately 1 km of road and consists of about 78.3 million points. Point clouds has 10 attributes and classified in 8 labelled object classes.
RADIATE (RAdar Dataset In Adverse weaThEr) is new automotive dataset created by Heriot-Watt University which includes Radar, Lidar, Stereo Camera and GPS/IMU. The data is collected in different weather scenarios (sunny, overcast, night, fog, rain and snow) to help the research community to develop new methods of vehicle perception. The radar images are annotated in 7 different scenarios: Sunny (Parked), Sunny/Overcast (Urban), Overcast (Motorway), Night (Motorway), Rain (Suburban), Fog (Suburban) and Snow (Suburban). The dataset contains 8 different types of objects (car, van, truck, bus, motorbike, bicycle, pedestrian and group of pedestrians).
SceneNet is a dataset of labelled synthetic indoor scenes. There are several labeled indoor scenes, including:
DADA-2000 is a large-scale benchmark with 2000 video sequences (named as DADA-2000) is contributed with laborious annotation for driver attention (fixation, saccade, focusing time), accident objects/intervals, as well as the accident categories, and superior performance to state-of-the-arts are provided by thorough evaluations.
A novel benchmark dataset that includes a manually annotated point cloud for over 260 million laser scanning points into 100'000 (approx.) assets from Dublin LiDAR point cloud [12] in 2015. Objects are labelled into 13 classes using hierarchical levels of detail from large (i.e., building, vegetation and ground) to refined (i.e., window, door and tree) elements.
DeepScores contains high quality images of musical scores, partitioned into 300,000 sheets of written music that contain symbols of different shapes and sizes. For advancing the state-of-the-art in small objects recognition, and by placing the question of object recognition in the context of scene understanding.
MLRSNet is a a multi-label high spatial resolution remote sensing dataset for semantic scene understanding. It provides different perspectives of the world captured from satellites. That is, it is composed of high spatial resolution optical satellite images. MLRSNet contains 109,161 remote sensing images that are annotated into 46 categories, and the number of sample images in a category varies from 1,500 to 3,000. The images have a fixed size of 256×256 pixels with various pixel resolutions (~10m to 0.1m). Moreover, each image in the dataset is tagged with several of 60 predefined class labels, and the number of labels associated with each image varies from 1 to 13. The dataset can be used for multi-label based image classification, multi-label based image retrieval, and image segmentation.
The AIRS (Aerial Imagery for Roof Segmentation) dataset provides a wide coverage of aerial imagery with 7.5 cm resolution and contains over 220,000 buildings. The task posed for AIRS is defined as roof segmentation.
IRS is an open dataset for indoor robotics vision tasks, especially disparity and surface normal estimation. It contains totally 103,316 samples covering a wide range of indoor scenes, such as home, office, store and restaurant.
DAWN emphasizes a diverse traffic environment (urban, highway and freeway) as well as a rich variety of traffic flow. The DAWN dataset comprises a collection of 1000 images from real-traffic environments, which are divided into four sets of weather conditions: fog, snow, rain and sandstorms. The dataset is annotated with object bounding boxes for autonomous driving and video surveillance scenarios. This data helps interpreting effects caused by the adverse weather conditions on the performance of vehicle detection systems.
DeepLoc is a large-scale urban outdoor localization dataset. The dataset is currently comprised of one scene spanning an area of 110 x 130 m, that a robot traverses multiple times with different driving patterns. The dataset creators use a LiDAR-based SLAM system with sub-centimeter and sub-degree accuracy to compute the pose labels that provided as groundtruth. Poses in the dataset are approximately spaced by 0.5 m which is twice as dense as other relocalization datasets.
The Pascal Panoptic Parts dataset consists of annotations for the part-aware panoptic segmentation task on the PASCAL VOC 2010 dataset. It is created by merging scene-level labels from PASCAL-Context with part-level labels from PASCAL-Part
SynPick is a synthetic dataset for dynamic scene understanding in bin-picking scenarios. In contrast to existing datasets, this dataset is both situated in a realistic industrial application domain -- inspired by the well-known Amazon Robotics Challenge (ARC) -- and features dynamic scenes with authentic picking actions as chosen by our picking heuristic developed for the ARC 2017. The dataset is compatible with the popular BOP dataset format.
The Cityscapes Panoptic Parts dataset introduces part-aware panoptic segmentation annotations for the Cityscapes dataset. It extends the original panoptic annotations for the Cityscapes dataset with part-level annotations for selected scene-level classes.
PSI-AVA is a dataset designed for holistic surgical scene understanding. It contains approximately 20.45 hours of the surgical procedure performed by three expert surgeons and annotations for both long-term (Phase and Step recognition) and short-term reasoning (Instrument detection and novel Atomic Action recognition) in robot-assisted radical prostatectomy videos.
A Large Dataset of Object Scans is a dataset of more than ten thousand 3D scans of real objects. To create the dataset, the authors recruited 70 operators, equipped them with consumer-grade mobile 3D scanning setups, and paid them to scan objects in their environments. The operators scanned objects of their choosing, outside the laboratory and without direct supervision by computer vision professionals. The result is a large and diverse collection of object scans: from shoes, mugs, and toys to grand pianos, construction vehicles, and large outdoor sculptures. The authors worked with an attorney to ensure that data acquisition did not violate privacy constraints. The acquired data was placed in the public domain and is available freely.
A new RGB-D video dataset, i.e., UCLA Human-Human-Object Interaction (HHOI) dataset, which includes 3 types of human-human interactions, i.e., shake hands, high-five, pull up, and 2 types of human-object-human interactions, i.e., throw and catch, and hand over a cup. On average, there are 23.6 instances per interaction performed by totally 8 actors recorded from various views. Each interaction lasts 2-7 seconds presented at 10-15 fps.
WWW Crowd provides 10,000 videos with over 8 million frames from 8,257 diverse scenes, therefore offering a comprehensive dataset for the area of crowd understanding.
CDS2K is a benchmark for Concealed scene understanding (CSU), which is a hot computer vision topic aiming to perceive objects with camouflaged properties. It is a concealed defect segmentation dataset from the five well-known defect segmentation databases. It contains five sub-databases: MVTecAD, NEU, CrackForest, KolektorSDD, and MagneticTile. The defective regions are highlighted with red rectangles.
The semantic line (SEL) dataset contains 1,750 outdoor images in total, which are split into 1,575 training and 175 testing images. Each semantic line is annotated by the coordinates of the two end-points on an image boundary. If an image has a single dominant line, it is set as the ground truth primary semantic line. If an image has multiple semantic lines, the line with the best rank by human annotators is set as the ground-truth primary line, and the others as additional ground-truth semantic lines. In SEL, 61% of the images contain multiple semantic lines.
AeroRIT is a hyperspectral dataset to facilitate aerial hyperspectral scene understanding.
A new resource to train and evaluate multitask systems on samples in multiple modalities and three languages.
The RailEye3D dataset, a collection of train-platform scenarios for applications targeting passenger safety and automation of train dispatching, consists of 10 image sequences captured at 6 railway stations in Austria. Annotations for multi-object tracking are provided in both an unified format as well as the ground-truth format used in the MOTChallenge.
The VideoNavQA dataset contains pairs of questions and videos generated in the House3D environment. The goal of this dataset is to assess question-answering performance from nearly-ideal navigation paths, while considering a much more complete variety of questions than current instantiations of the Embodied Question Answering (EQA) task.
InstaOrder can be used to understand the geometrical relationships of instances in an image. The dataset consists of 2.9M annotations of geometric orderings for class-labeled instances in 101K natural scenes. The scenes were annotated by 3,659 crowd-workers regarding (1) occlusion order that identifies occluder/occludee and (2) depth order that describes ordinal relations that consider relative distance from the camera.
Includes challenging sequences and extensive data stratification in-terms of camera and object motion, velocity magnitudes, direction, and rotational speeds.
Stanford-ECM is an egocentric multimodal dataset which comprises about 27 hours of egocentric video augmented with heart rate and acceleration data. The lengths of the individual videos cover a diverse range from 3 minutes to about 51 minutes in length. A mobile phone was used to collect egocentric video at 720x1280 resolution and 30 fps, as well as triaxial acceleration at 30Hz. The mobile phone was equipped with a wide-angle lens, so that the horizontal field of view was enlarged from 45 degrees to about 64 degrees. A wrist-worn heart rate sensor was used to capture the heart rate every 5 seconds. The phone and heart rate monitor was time-synchronized through Bluetooth, and all data was stored in the phone’s storage. Piecewise cubic polynomial interpolation was used to fill in any gaps in heart rate data. Finally, data was aligned to the millisecond level at 30 Hz.
TDW is a 3D virtual world simulation platform, utilizing state-of-the-art video game engine technology. A TDW simulation consists of two components: a) the Build, a compiled executable running on the Unity3D Engine, which is responsible for image rendering, audio synthesis and physics simulations; and b) the Controller, an external Python interface to communicate with the build.
The Apron Dataset focuses on training and evaluating classification and detection models for airport-apron logistics. In addition to bounding boxes and object categories the dataset is enriched with meta parameters to quantify the models’ robustness against environmental influences.
Contains more than 5,000 images of 10,000 liquid containers in context labelled with volume, amount of content, bounding box annotation, and corresponding similar 3D CAD models.
DeepLocCross is a localization dataset that contains RGB-D stereo images captured at 1280 x 720 pixels at a rate of 20 Hz. The ground-truth pose labels are generated using a LiDAR-based SLAM system. In addition to the 6-DoF localization poses of the robot, the dataset additionally contains tracked detections of the observable dynamic objects. Each tracked object is identified using a unique track ID, spatial coordinates, velocity and orientation angle. Furthermore, as the dataset contains multiple pedestrian crossings, labels at each intersection indicating its safety for crossing are provided. This dataset consists of seven training sequences with a total of 2264 images, and three testing sequences with a total of 930 images. The dynamic nature of the surrounding environment at which the dataset was captured renders the tasks of localization and visual odometry estimation extremely challenging due to the varying weather conditions, presence of shadows and motion blur caused by the mov
The dfd_indoor dataset contains 110 images for training and 29 images for testing. The dfd_outdoor dataset contains 34 images for tests; no ground truth was given for this dataset, as the depth sensor only works on indoor scenes.
NavigationNet is a computer vision dataset and benchmark to allow the utilization of deep reinforcement learning on scene-understanding-based indoor navigation.
Panoramic Video Panoptic Segmentation Dataset is a large-scale dataset that offers high-quality panoptic segmentation labels for autonomous driving. The dataset has labels for 28 semantic categories and 2,860 temporal sequences that were captured by five cameras mounted on autonomous vehicles driving in three different geographical locations, leading to a total of 100k labeled camera images.