Event-based Motion Estimation
6 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 2 datasets
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Event-based Star Tracking via Multiresolution Progressive Hough Transforms
A recent alternative is to use event sensors, which could enable more energy efficient and faster star trackers.
Globally Optimal Contrast Maximisation for Event-based Motion Estimation
To alleviate this weakness, we propose a new globally optimal event-based motion estimation algorithm.
Event Collapse in Contrast Maximization Frameworks
Contrast maximization (CMax) is a framework that provides state-of-the-art results on several event-based computer vision tasks, such as ego-motion or optical flow estimation.
A Fast Geometric Regularizer to Mitigate Event Collapse in the Contrast Maximization Framework
We hope our work opens the door for future applications that unlocks the advantages of event cameras.
Progressive Spatio-Temporal Alignment for Efficient Event-Based Motion Estimation
In addition, a dynamic batch size strategy is applied to adaptively adjust the batch size so that all events in the batch are consistent with the current motion model.
Event-Based Visual Odometry on Non-Holonomic Ground Vehicles
Despite the promise of superior performance under challenging conditions, event-based motion estimation remains a hard problem owing to the difficulty of extracting and tracking stable features from event streams.