Weakly Supervised Action Localization

32 papers with code • 8 benchmarks • 5 datasets

In this task, the training data consists of videos with a list of activities in them without any temporal boundary annotations. However, while testing, given a video, the algorithm should recognize the activities in the video and also provide the start and end time.


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Most implemented papers

Recognition of Instrument-Tissue Interactions in Endoscopic Videos via Action Triplets

camma-public/tripnet 10 Jul 2020

Recognition of surgical activity is an essential component to develop context-aware decision support for the operating room.

Hide-and-Seek: Forcing a Network to be Meticulous for Weakly-supervised Object and Action Localization

zhengshou/AutoLoc ICCV 2017

We propose `Hide-and-Seek', a weakly-supervised framework that aims to improve object localization in images and action localization in videos.

Weakly Supervised Action Localization by Sparse Temporal Pooling Network

demianzhang/weakly-action-localization CVPR 2018

We propose a weakly supervised temporal action localization algorithm on untrimmed videos using convolutional neural networks.

UntrimmedNets for Weakly Supervised Action Recognition and Detection

wanglimin/UntrimmedNet CVPR 2017

We exploit the learned models for action recognition (WSR) and detection (WSD) on the untrimmed video datasets of THUMOS14 and ActivityNet.

Guess Where? Actor-Supervision for Spatiotemporal Action Localization

escorciav/roi_pooling 5 Apr 2018

Second, we propose an actor-based attention mechanism that enables the localization of the actions from action class labels and actor proposals and is end-to-end trainable.

Background Suppression Network for Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization

Pilhyeon/BaSNet-pytorch 22 Nov 2019

This formulation does not fully model the problem in that background frames are forced to be misclassified as action classes to predict video-level labels accurately.

Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization by Uncertainty Modeling

Pilhyeon/WTAL-Uncertainty-Modeling 12 Jun 2020

Experimental results show that our uncertainty modeling is effective at alleviating the interference of background frames and brings a large performance gain without bells and whistles.

VideoMix: Rethinking Data Augmentation for Video Classification

jayChung0302/videomix 7 Dec 2020

Recent data augmentation strategies have been reported to address the overfitting problems in static image classifiers.

ACM-Net: Action Context Modeling Network for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization

ispc-lab/ACM-Net 7 Apr 2021

Traditional methods mainly focus on foreground and background frames separation with only a single attention branch and class activation sequence.

Cross-modal Consensus Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization

harlanhong/MM2021-CO2-Net 27 Jul 2021

In this work, we argue that the features extracted from the pretrained extractor, e. g., I3D, are not the WS-TALtask-specific features, thus the feature re-calibration is needed for reducing the task-irrelevant information redundancy.