Weakly supervised segmentation
64 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 3 datasets
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OrigamiNet: Weakly-Supervised, Segmentation-Free, One-Step, Full Page Text Recognition by learning to unfold
On IAM we even surpass single line methods that use accurate localization information during training.
Learn To Pay Attention
We propose an end-to-end-trainable attention module for convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures built for image classification.
Constrained-CNN losses for weakly supervised segmentation
To the best of our knowledge, the method of [Pathak et al., 2015] is the only prior work that addresses deep CNNs with linear constraints in weakly supervised segmentation.
WORD: A large scale dataset, benchmark and clinical applicable study for abdominal organ segmentation from CT image
Deep learning-based medical image segmentation has shown the potential to reduce manual delineation efforts, but it still requires a large-scale fine annotated dataset for training, and there is a lack of large-scale datasets covering the whole abdomen region with accurate and detailed annotations for the whole abdominal organ segmentation.
Integral Object Mining via Online Attention Accumulation
In order to accumulate the discovered different object parts, we propose an online attention accumulation (OAA) strategy which maintains a cumulative attention map for each target category in each training image so that the integral object regions can be gradually promoted as the training goes.
Deep Interpretable Classification and Weakly-Supervised Segmentation of Histology Images via Max-Min Uncertainty
We propose novel regularization terms, which enable the model to seek both non-discriminative and discriminative regions, while discouraging unbalanced segmentations.
Learning Whole-Slide Segmentation from Inexact and Incomplete Labels using Tissue Graphs
Thus, weakly-supervised semantic segmentation techniques are proposed to utilize weak supervision that is cheaper and quicker to acquire.
Adaptive Early-Learning Correction for Segmentation from Noisy Annotations
We discover a phenomenon that has been previously reported in the context of classification: the networks tend to first fit the clean pixel-level labels during an "early-learning" phase, before eventually memorizing the false annotations.
Land Cover Segmentation with Sparse Annotations from Sentinel-2 Imagery
Land cover (LC) segmentation plays a critical role in various applications, including environmental analysis and natural disaster management.
Constrained Convolutional Neural Networks for Weakly Supervised Segmentation
We propose Constrained CNN (CCNN), a method which uses a novel loss function to optimize for any set of linear constraints on the output space (i. e. predicted label distribution) of a CNN.